
Finding Our New Rhythm & Living Simply
photos by: Lars Jockumsen
As we ride through these uncertain times, we wanted to bring you a refreshing story for a little uplift. Takkesh Mizoguchi-Thorne has been a friend of ours for a while, and beyond his insane surfing, he’s a movement coach, father, and embodies all the good energy and healthy living we could all use right now. In the midst of this global health crisis, and awaiting the arrival of his second child (any day now!), Takkesh took time to share some helpful tips with us for living simply, respecting the earth, and finding balance. We hope this brings a little zen to your day!
Before the current health crisis, Takkesh shot this film telling a little story of his new family home on wheels. Hopefully this can inspire us as we all try to live more simply to get through this.
Where is home for you?
We are currently based on the Gold Coast of Australia, but home is wherever we are together as a family. We’re set to head off in OHANA to tour the country once our next Bub arrives.
Can you tell us about your home on wheels? What does living simply mean to you?
We call our bus OHANA, meaning “family” in Hawaiian. We recently converted a ‘96 Toyota Coaster into our home on wheels, and we plan to travel around Australia for at least the next few years, homeschooling our groms along the way. My wife’s intention was to make it as eco-friendly as possible using non-toxic products as well as sustainably-grown paulownia trees from Maywood in Burleigh Heads. Fortunately, having a past trade in carpentry and building design, I was able to enjoy completing our new home. We’re all about living simply and having less of an impact on our planet — to us, that means being off the grid, living more sustainably, and having fewer possessions.

What is Surf Flow? What’s involved in your practice?
Surf Flow is dedicated to the healthy movement and lifestyle that revolves around the art of surfing. We combine a diverse range of practices using biomechanics to help our clients alleviate physical imbalance and improve their movement patterns. People come to me to elevate their performance to the highest state by working on mind, body, and spirit. I primarily work with professional surfers, however I am not exclusive to just surfers! Through Movement Therapy we focus on stillness in the mind and letting our nervous system take a break from fight or flight mode. Surf Flow Movement sessions help to find patterns in how the body moves to create fluidity in and out of the water.
How do you stay healthy? What’s your daily routine like?
For me, it takes a positive mindset, getting in early morning Movement sessions, eating healthy, and enjoying the ocean every day with my family. I am naturally an early riser, so I take time for movement and meditation every morning before surfing. We choose to eat predominantly organic and locally-grown fruits, vegetables, and pasture-raised eggs while avoiding grains and legumes. Occasionally we’ll eat grass-fed meats or sustainable seafood. We always choose our food consciously and know where it is coming from and how it is produced, but most importantly, we tune into what our bodies need.
Are you in the water daily? What does the ocean bring you and your family?
Yes, I am surfing every day on all different crafts, depending on the conditions. A morning surf is my moving meditation that helps me start the day with a clear mind! For my family, the ocean is cleansing and brings us a healthy lifestyle. Its powerful energy gives us life lessons in the purest form.
How can we all be better to the planet? How do you live with less of an impact?
By making more conscious decisions around where our products come from and by choosing more sustainable and ethical companies, as well as living a low-waste lifestyle. We do our best to live with less of an impact by buying local, unpackaged produce in bulk, building a toxic-free lifestyle in OHANA, and raising our children with an awareness of conscious consumption.
Any tips for how to stay calm and healthy during these wild times?
These are some simple things to keep in mind every day, especially during times like these. Be in the present moment, breathe slowly and consciously when you need to relax, make time to move your body, especially if you’re stuck indoors! If you can do it safely, get out in nature, jump into the ocean, take time to unplug. Try to replace some of the negative thoughts and fear with gratitude and positivity.

For more surf flow and good vibes follow @takkesh @surfflow_.