Shirt Off My Back

Give a Blanket Shirt,
Get a Blanket Shirt!
There's nothing more genuine than one human giving another the "shirt off their back." So, if you are out and about wearing your Outerknown Blanket Shirt and you meet someone who doesn't know about Outerknown, we encourage you to tell them about the brand as well as the Blanket Shirt - and give them the Blanket Shirt off YOUR back! We will then send you a new Blanket Shirt to replace the one you gifted as a thank you for spreading the word about Outerknown.
There’s nothing more genuine than one human giving another the shirt off their back. If you give your Outerknown Blanket Shirt to someone unfamiliar with our brand, we'll send you a new Blanket Shirt to replace the one you gifted as a thank you for helping spread the word about Outerknown and our beloved signature!
Easy as 1, 2, 3! Here's how it works:

Step 1
Give the Blanket Shirt off your back.

Step 2
Take a photo with you and the person you gave your Blanket Shirt to. Then log in or create account below, upload, and submit form.

Step 3
Kick back and wait for your Blanket Shirt to arrive!
Get Your Blanket Shirt Back
Login or create an account to get your favorite Blanket Shirt replacement in days!
Thank you for your submission. We will review and follow up via email.
Our community growing 1 blanket shirt at a time!